For more than 8 years, we have provided our clients with consulting services in order to obtain funding and to implement EU-funded projects.
In addition to the recognisable development opportunities offered, accessing EU funding also requires a series of challenges that our clients are faced with in the implementing process of funding projects. They can turn into actual threats if not properly identified, prepared and managed. The implementing and management procedures in respect of these types of projects are complex and require multi-disciplinary knowledge as well as specific rigorousness which, for a relevant consultant – professional have already become modus vivendi.
Our team of consultants specialised in accessing EU funding has been renowned for their professionalism, expertise and exquisite professional conduct in their relations with clients. Moreover, the team has constantly approached clients with customised solutions for their actual needs, which thus guarantees the success of the project. The guarantee for success is first of all given by the ability of our team of consultants to establish measures to avoid financial and administrative bottlenecks. Nevertheless, our utmost asset is attitude, as required in our approach to the client, and sustainability of results.
We have an entire repository available to our clients interested in accessing EU funding: our experience, network of experts and collaborating partners, as well as the knowledge of each member of our team of specialists.
Private companies, public institutions and non-governmental organisations, all enjoy the benefits of projects implemented together because we lead our clients throughout every stage in the development of their projects. We are mainly focused on organisations operating in the following industries: environment, public services, Governing and transport.
Each project accounts for a unique learning experience for us. This is how we have come to understand that reviewed concepts may be applied in stages. We have learnt to combine work experience at national level with an emerging feeling of European identity and, in this way, we manage to provide for an enhanced potential in the region.
We have developed a series of modern and innovating techniques and programs to design our consulting projects with a view to gaining EU funds, in order to handle successfully competition on the market and clients’ demands.
Therefore, the services we offer to our clients are sustained by the experience gained in the preparation and implementation of a significant number of projects. We attend our clients at each stage in the development and performance of their projects, well aware of the fact that actually they are also our projects, our business card.
Our services encompass consulting services at all stages of the project, from the outline of needs and funding sources to project definition, its development and the end of the implementing period:
- Identification of most relevant funding sources for the clients’ needs – it requires a review of all funding sources which are suitable for the client’s needs and provide for the development of the project idea;
- Design and preparation of the documentation required to gain funding – market studies, business plans, financial analyses, application forms and more are prepared at this stage, depending on the client’s needs;
- Management services for projects financed under Structural and Cohesion Funds;
- Legal and financial consulting services;
- Consulting in public procurement;
- Services related to organisational development, human resources development;
- Change management solutions;
- Training services.
Key competencies
Institutional development and assistance for public administration:
- Preparation of application forms and management of projects financed under Structural and Cohesion Funds, including financial management, reporting, assistance during implementation;
- Evaluation of projects / programmes / policies / strategies;
- Direct training and assistance in order to develop the skills of staff in public administration in the preparation and implementation of projects;
- Technical assistance projects for institutions responsible for EU fund management.
Consulting for business development:
- Preparation of business development projects in order to attract funding under Structural and Cohesion Funds, or from other funding institutions;
- Assistance in the management of projects financed under Structural and Cohesion Funds (ensuring compliance with the requirements in the Grant Contract, financial management, legal assistance, assistance in public procurement).
- Consulting for organisational development.
- Managerial development.
- Change management.
- Training and development of human resources.
Based on the experience gained in time with EU-funded projects under a department dedicated to EU funds, our team has prepared and implemented projects financed under Programmes such as:
- Amitran
- EEA 2009-2014 Financial Mechanism;
- Cross-border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013;
- Thematic Fund for the Participation of Civil Society;
- National Research, Development and Innovation Plan 2007 – 2013;
- National Plan Programmes II – PNII;
- National Rural Development Programme;
- Operational Programme ‘Technical Assistance’;
- Operational Programme ‘Development of Administrative Capacity’;
- Operational Programme for Fisheries;
- Regional Operational Programme;
- Sector Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’;
- Sector Operational Programme ‘Environment’;
- Sector Operational Programme ‘Transport’;
- Sector Operational Programme ‘Development of Human Resources’;
- Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013;
- Cross-border Co-operation Programme ‘South East Europe’;
- Framework Programme 6;
- Framework Programme 7.
Below are some of the relevant consulting projects financed from European funds:
- Development of a Cloud Computing platform in order to enhance competitiveness based on innovation (Increased Online Links of Service Users) – project financed under the Sector Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’;
- Development of an advanced platform for processing micro-payments made with the NFC technology – project financed under the Sector Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’;
- Development of an innovative platform for assets monitoring – project financed under the Sector Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’;
- E-VIZA – electronic portal to facilitate the visa application process – project financed under the Operational Programme ‘Development of Administrative Capacity’;
- Online public services intended for citizens, tax payers and beneficiaries of the public pension system and of the system of accidents at work and occupational diseases (ORIZONT) – project financed under the Sector Operational Programme ‘Increase of Economic Competitiveness’.
Our approach in the relation with clients is first of all based on our understanding of the sensitive aspects related to the particularity of the organisation business. We provide our clients with flexibility and opening towards their needs and, at the same time, we make sure that the implemented project yields real value.
Moreover, upon every project start-up, we undertake an activity planning based on clients’ needs and a risk management plan with regard to the adequate context to foster the intended benefits within the beneficiary organisation, and we make sure that they are brought to the client’s knowledge, along with a specific action plan.
We are definitely aware that performance can only be reached with professionalism and determination. This is the reason why we are grateful to our clients because they provide us with the opportunity to outclass ourselves professionally, to become increasingly better and more competitive.

AFT Design

Autonomus SRL

Ministry of Foreign Affairs